Gift Guide :: DNA Ancestry Kit {Genographic Project from National Geographic} + Special Offer
This is an amazing gift idea for anyone who loves history or wants to know more about their family's roots. Available through National Geographic, the Geno 2.0 Kit uses cutting-edge technology to provide the richest ancestry information available. A simple and painless at-home cheek swab is mailed into the lab with an anonymous number to provide results with the migration paths followed by ancestors thousands of years ago, and details of ancestral make-up. It's the type of gift you buy for someone who has everything, or for the history buffs in your family.
National Geographic’s Genographic Project, Geno 2.0 Kit, currently $159.95 with $40 off special offer (originally $199.95). Although expiration date for the special offer is not listed on their website, Genographic has confirmed that the special offer will be valid through the 2013 holidays (exact date not provided).