How many salon products have you purchased and decided you didn’t like after a few uses? For many people (myself included), too many to count. Here's a fun way to purge without adding to a landfill: Host a product swap for friends to exchange barely used products they purchased and decided they didn't like after a few uses.
Ask each guest to bring a few products (at least half full) that they would like to exchange for other products. Moisturizers, hair products, skincare, perfume, nail polish, self-tanners and sunscreen are all sanitary to exchange among friends. Host this party in the afternoon and serve coffee, tea and cookies for snacking. Invite guests to use a mud mask (leave the tube and disposable guest towels next to the sink in the bathroom) during the party. The mud masks will make for some interesting party pictures. Serve spa-type snacks, such as roasted edamame, trail mix, carrots, hummus and water with sliced cucumbers.
Photo credit: Back Garage - www.backgarage.com